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Editing Appointment

Appointment notes.

Appointment notes are displayed alongside the patient details on appointments. The Appointment slot has a red ring around it and a paper clip icon when  a note exists.

Appointment notes are also displayed in the waiting room view under the appointment.

1. Right Click on the patient’s appointment and select “Appointment Notes” or Press [Alt N].

2. Create or edit the note and press “Ok”.

Double Book

Use Double book to insert another appointment slot at the same time as an existing appointment (e.g. when squeezing in an extra patient when all available slots are filled):

1. Right Click on the existing appointment slot (in the space right on the edge of the slot) and select “New Appointment”.
2. Make an appointment as above.

Delete Appointment

1. Right Click on the patient’s appointment and select “Delete”.
2. Alternatively, highlight the appointment and press [Delete].

Copy appointment

1. Use copy to create additional appointments for the highlighted patient.
2. Right Click on the patient’s appointment and select [Copy].
3. Change the date and practitioner as required using the menus on the right of the screen.
4. Right Click on the new appointment slot and select [Paste].

Move appointment

1. To remove an existing appointment and create a new appointment in another time slot:
2. Right Click on the patient’s appointment and select [Cut].
3. Change the date and practitioner as required.
4. Right Click on the new appointment slot and select [Paste].

Alternatively, Drag and Drop the appointment to another slot.

Extend appointment time

This could be used for prolonged procedures and meetings:
1. Click on the border of the appointment box.
2. When the cursor changes to double-headed arrows drag the border up or down until the appointment fills the desired number of slots.
