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Adding and updating Staff

Staff Editor

Select Staff from the toolbar.

  • To edit an existing staff member highlight the row and press [Enter]
  • If you cannot see the staff member click on “Show Inactive” to include inactive members.
  • If you need to enter a new staff member click “New”.

Staff member details

  • Enter information about the staff member as prompted
  • Be sure to include a short name that is unique to each staff member.
    • This will be used in reports and settings.
    • It can be a maximum of 6 characters
  • Enter the address and contact numbers.
    • These can be copied from the Practice. Click on Practice Address And Contacts menu

Log On 

  1. Provide each user a unique user name to log on to MyPractice.
  2. Provide a Password. 
  • Passwords are case sensitive.
  •  For additional security, we recommend at least 6 characters with a mix of letters and digits.
  • Staff must be marked active to access the system.
  • Users should change their own password on their first use and then regularly e.g. every few months. 


  • Choose the role(s) for this staff member from the list


Each staff member has their preferences stored as settings

  • All staff have settings as a User.
  • Practitioners have additional settings relating to clinical use and billing. 
  1. Apply typical settings by selecting the closest role in the Apply Default Settings menu
  2. Review and adjust each setting as required 

Appointment Template Tab

Practitioner Tab and Favorite Services

  • If the staff member is a practitioner


When you have finished adding or editing details, click:

  • Copy – to produce another staff member with the same Address and Contact Details.
  • Next – to close the current screen and open another staff members screen for editing.
  • Another – to open another staff members screen for editing. The current screen will still be open in another Tab.
  • Finish – to save changes and close the screen.