Demonstration Videos The MyPractice videos showcase a range of functions across a selection of medical conditions/issues and accident types to give you a feel for the workflow contained within the MyPractice Electronic Medical Record.
Well Woman with a Breast Lump
Move an inactive problem from current to past history
Record a family history of breast cancer
Add a mammogram recall
Complete overdue screening jobs
Enter measurements.
The system will automatically update the reminders and notes and will even pop up a diagram of the breast quadrants for you to highlight where the lump/s are and then allow you to link to the appropriate investigations and referrals.
Chronic Condition Diabetes
Adding a new medication with a warning that there may be a possible drug interaction
Sourced from the New Zealand Formulary
Customised level of severity
Contra-indications warnings
Print or email the patient a drug information sheet
Minor surgery
Minor surgery form
Prompts cover pre surgery counselling
Patient consent form
Patient wound care information sheet
Order Lab Histology
Take and save a photo of the lesion, into the patient’s records
Broken Arm
More complex functions of the MyPractice EMR in the case of a Patient presenting with a broken arm.
ACC45 accident registration
ACC45 can be pre-filled by the Nurse
Referral to an Orthopaedic Clinic includes the details from your consultation and ACC information
3D Body map facilitates a clear explanation and visual images for the patient.
Assist button to medical search Websites from around the world, these include:-
Differential Diagnosis
Family Notebook Search
Health Navigator
HealthPoint Search
Medscape Search
Patient UK Search
These built in links save you time and because they are links, offer you the most up to date information available.