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These links have been provided to facilitate access to some exciting AI tools. Please assess the suitability of the tools before use in the clinical setting. We believe they have great potential but they are new and have known limitations with regards to accuracy. 

Please enjoy but use them with care. 

Useful Information

A Clinician’s Guide to Artificial Intelligence

MOH Advice

Privacy Office 

Chat GPT

Link provided as a Toolbar button at the top of the screen

Opens ChatGPT page in a web browser 

Requires you to sign in 

Free account currently available

Usage – ask questions (Prompt). The more specific your query the better the answers. Include your role, location and basic demographics for your patient but not any identifying information such as their name or NHI. 


General Rules for Prompt Writing

The first prompt provides a starting point or direction for ChatGPT. The response follows the same tone, context, and style as the prompt.

Here are some general rules for writing prompts 

  • Start simple – start with a simple prompt and build on it
  • Call to Action – start the prompt with an action word like “Write”, “Create”, or “Summarize” instead of “Can you”
  • Add Context – add specific and relevant context to the task you want to perform
  • Add Expectations – add clear and direct expectations for the content, like how long it should be and what to include

Nabla Co-pilot

Link provided in clinical notes screen

A tool to record and transcribe consultations. Automating the generation of clinical notes. 

Requires a microphone on your desktop

You need to sign in. Free trial account available

Records the consultation and provides a clinical note suitable to cut/past into your clinical notes


Link in Clinical Notes to another AI scribe tool 

Free account available

Please review the RACGP’s Guidance on use of scribes . RNZCGP are working on their advice. 
