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Services provided by external organisations 

In order to operate our businesses, we often need to connect with services provided by external organizations.

It’s important for your practice to register with the external organization and then we will be able to assist with the configuration within MyPractice.

We have listed these services, contacts, and requirements. Keep in mind that these may change over time, so please use this guide as a starting point. Additionally, most service providers have websites with detailed information.

  • Enrolment
    • PHOs or Health NZ
    • NHI lookup
    • Address geocoding
    • Enrolment for capitation
  • Claims
    • GMS, Maternity, Immunisations
    • Accidents
    • PHOs, DHBs, HNZ
    • Insurance companies
  • Prescriptions
    • NZF
    • E-Prescribing
    • Signature exempt 
    • Special Authorities
  • Laboratory
    • Test requests
    • Online requests
    • Receiving results
    • Viewing results ordered by other providers
  • Referrals
    • Private and public allied health and specialist providers
    • e-referrals
  • Discharges
    • Receiving referral confirmation and updates
    • Receiving electronic clinic and discharge letters 
  • Immunisations
    • Submitting vaccinations to National registers
    • Downloading vaccination history
  • Accidents
    • Registering new accidents
    • Downloading existing Accident numbers
    • Reconciling payments remittance advice
  • Insurance
    • Insurance questionnaires and examinations
  • Decision support
    • Third-party tools such as Best Practice, Enigma, Halcyon, Mohio
    • PHO and DHBs
    • Regional pathways 
  • National collections / Audits
    • Clinical Performance Indicators
    • Service Utilisation Reports
    • BPI
    • Dr Info 

I want to receive Lab Results


Mike Harvey

Client Manager
GPs, Specialists, Pharmacists and Community Care

T: 0800 288 887  Option 5


Healthlink also delivers correspondence from other healthlink users , specialists and hospitals.

Healthlink provides access to e-referrals, sick benefit forms  and other services.  

  1. You will need to contact Healthlink, advise them of your requirements and they will open an account with your practice. 
  2. Once you have been issued an EDI account and password, we will assist you to enter these details into MyPractice’s system settings
  3. Results and reports will appear in the Mail screen
  4. Access e-referrals from Clinical notes, forms, webforms list

Sysmex New Zealand Limited

Street Address: Level 3/103 Carlton Gore Road, Newmarket Auckland 1023, New Zealand
Postal Address: PO Box 26085, Epsom Auckland 1344, New Zealand
Tel: (+64) 9 630 3554

  1. You will need to contact Sysmex and advise them of your requirements and they will open an account with your practice  

  2. Obtain a copy of their software 
  3. We can assist you to install their software and create a directory for downloads
  4. We will enter this directory into MyPractice’s System Settings
  5. Results will appear in the Mail screen

Medical-Objects Pty Ltd

  1. You will need to contact Medical objects and advise them of your requirements and they will open an account with your practice  

  2. Obtain a copy of their software 
  3. We can assist you to install their software and create a directory for downloads
  4. We will enter this directory into MyPractice’s System Settings
  5. Results will appear in the Mail screen

I want to receive hospital clinic letters and discharges

Healthlink – see details above

Results and reports will appear in the Mail screen

I want to refer patients to the public hospital

Healthlink – see details above

For Auckland and Northland e-referrals

Access e-referrals from Clinical notes, forms, webforms list

Best Practice 

Ph 0800 633 236

Hawks Bay, BOP, Taranaki

  1. You will need to contact Best Practice and advise them of your requirements and they will open an account with your practice  

  2. Obtain usernames and passwords for each user 
  3. We will configure access to Best Practice within MyPractice. 
  4. Access from Clinical notes, forms, webforms list


Provided by Pegasus

When you visit, you can register for an account by selecting Register Now.

For South Island, Whanganui 

  1. Contact and register with Pegasus 
  2. The Helpdesk will help set up access to their web form 
  3. Access from Clinical notes, forms, webforms list

I want to claim GMS, SMS, Immunisation or Maternity subsidies

Health Benefits Ltd  (HBL)

Ph 0800 505 125

  1. You will need a contract with your local PHO . They will provide your practice an organisation Id and Facility Ids (HPI numbers)
  2. Agreement numbers will be provided for GMS/IMM and Maternity
  3. Contact HBL for your Payee Number 
  4. Enter the agreement numbers and Payee Numbers in the MyPractice’s Staff Settings

I want to register accidents and claim for ACC related services

  1. You will need to contact ACC, advise them of your requirements and they will open an account with your practice and provide: 
  1. Provider ID for each staff member 
  2. HPI Facility ID
  3. Vendor ID

Enter these into MyPractice’s staff settings

They will also enable access to their API and provide Digital Certificates for each workstation

Our team will help install these and enable access for this API

I want to obtain / update NHI numbers

NHI lookup

MOH Identity Team

0800 505 125

  1. You will need to contact the identity team at the MOH and advise them of your requirements and they will provide application forms for your practice. 
  2. Once they have granted access, our team will enter the details into MyPractice.  



I want to look-up and geocode addresses


MOH Identity team

0800 505 125

  1. You will need to contact the identity team at the MOH and advise them of your requirements and they will provide application forms for your practice. 
  2. Once they have granted access and provided  a E-Samm Organisation Code, our team will enter the details into MyPractice’s system settings.  

I want to register patients for capitation (e-enrolment)

National Enrolment Service (NES)

Contact your PHO for a contract. They will provide 

  • HPI organisation and Facility IDs
  • Contract and agreement numbers.
  1. You will need to contact the NES team at the MOH and they will provide application forms for your practice. 
  2. Once they have approved your application, our team will activate NES  

I want to apply for Special Authorities

  1. You will need to contact the team at the MOH helpdesk and advise them of your requirements and they will provide application forms for your practice. 
  2. Once they have granted access and provided  a practice ID, our team will enter these details into MyPractice’s practice settings.  


I want to e-prescribe


Register with eps (Whanua Tahi / MOH) and obtain access details to their API

Our team will help enter details in MyPractice to activate e-prescribing.

I want to send scripts directly to pharmacies (signature exempt)

Your practice will need e-prescibing to be activated first

You will also need an email account  


I want to order lab tests electronically (e-order/e-lab)

e-Order (Labtests)

e-Lab (Pathlabs, SouthMed)

  1. Contact and register with your lab
  2. Our helpdesk with configure the Webform URL 
  3. Access from Clinical notes, Forms, Weborms list 

I want to complete insurance forms electronically



Ph 0800 566 632

Contact and register with Konnect

Forms will be sent by Healthlink and a task created when filed. 

Complete task in clinical notes

I want to send and download immunisations from the Aotearoa Immunisation Register

Aotearoa Immunisation Register

Asher Semu

09 822 8018

or email at

You will need to register with AIR

We will help you enter your credentials in MyPractice


I want to view discharge letters and lab results ordered by other providers


Contact and register with the Health Alliance 

Access Testsafe from the Results Tab in Clinical Notes 

Enter the provided user names and passwords when prompted

Health One

Ph 03 543 7803


South Island

Contact and register with the Health One team at Pegasus

Our team with help configure access in your Webforms list in Clinical Notes


I want to access web forms for decision support and claims

BPAC decision support tool

Ph 0800 633 236

  1. You will need to contact Best Practice and advise them of your requirements and they will open an account with your practice  

  2. Obtain usernames and passwords for each user 
  3. We will configure access to Best Practice within MyPractice. 
  4. Access from Clinical notes, forms, webforms list


Ph 09 912 9100

  1. You will need to contact Enigma and advise them of your requirements (e.g. Predict) and they will open an account with your practice  

  2. Obtain usernames and passwords for each user 
  3. We will configure access to Predict within MyPractice. 
  4. Access from Clinical notes, forms, webforms list


  1. You will need to contact Mohio or your PHO and advise them of your requirements and they will open an account with your practice  

  2. Obtain usernames and passwords for each user 
  3. We will configure access to Mohio within MyPractice. 
  4. Access from Clinical notes, forms, webforms list



  1. You will need to contact Karo or your PHO and advise them of your requirements and they will open an account with your practice  

  2. Obtain usernames and passwords for each user 
  3. We will configure access to Halcyon within MyPractice. 
  4. Access from Clinical notes, forms, webforms list