Connect the BP+ device to your workstation (desktop) via a USB port
Turn on the “BP+” functionality for each workstation where this device is connected
Open Workstation settings from the Tools menu, System Setup
In the Measurement section
Set Uscom BP+ to True
Configure the “Serial Flow Control Type” to match the setting on the Uscom BP+ device.
Refer to the Uscom BP+ device User Guide to determine the device setting. Typically “None” for normal usage, and “RTS/CTS” when MyPractice is hosted in a cloud server.
Recording Blood Pressure with BP+
Ensure the BP+ device is connected to your workstation and turned on
Place the cuff on your patient’s arm
Open the clinical notes and go to the Measurements Tab
Click on the BP+ button above the BP Column (Alt +F7)
MyPractice will attempt to connect with the BP+ device and initiate the blood pressure measurement. After the device has completed taking the blood pressure, the blood pressure and pulse readings will be saved back into the measurement table
This blood pressure and additional values will then be available for upload to the CIS system.
For more information on BP+ please visit BP+ Overview