Transferring patients’ clinical notes

Transferring patients’ clinical notes by GP2GP

Use GP2GP to transfer a patient’s clinical record electronically to another practitioner.
  • This includes clinical notes, problem lists, medications, allergies, lab results, discharge letters, recall tasks and limited demographic information. 
  • Accounting and appointment information is not included.
  • All General Practice Practice Management Systems in NZ currently support this protocol.
  • There are limitations in the data when moved between systems e.g. drug coding, recall codes
Access to Transfer Notes using GP2GP is via the Tools Menu / Downloads

1. Select the Patient 

  • Enter part of the patient’s name into the orange patient box and press [Enter]

2. Choose a method for sending the file

Send a GP2GP file by Healthlink

  1. Select Healthlink as the send method
  2. Enter the Receiving practice’s name 
  3. Enter the Healthlink mailbox (EDI)
  4. You can also enter the new doctor’s name and registration numbers if known

Send a GP2GP file as a PDF attachment

  1. Select PDF Document as the send method
  2. Select a location to save this PDF document

Send as an encrypted file 

  1. Select Encrypted file to a folder as the send method
  2. Select a location to save this file e.g. a CD or USB device

Send as an un-encrypted file 

  1. Select Un-Encrypted file to a folder as the send method
  2. Select a location to save this file e.g. a CD or USB device

3. Options for file content

The Author

You can restrict clinical note being sent to those written by the author that

  • “Works for” a particular Business in the Practice
  • Belongs to a particular occupation
  • Specified author 

The Date Range 

  • Enter the start and end dates for the period of time required


  • If you would like to exclude certain documents, tick Select Attachments

4. Create the file 

Click on Create

  • The file is created in the Healthlink or specified folder
  • A note is added to the patient’s record in the Results and Old Notes sections

5. Update the patient details

Click on Update Patient Details

  • This changes the patient’s status to Transferred
  • The new practitioner is added to the Relationships list