References to keys on your keyboard are placed inside square brackets.
For example: [F1] means press the “Function” key labelled “F1”.
[Shift F1] means hold down the “Shift” key and then press “F1”.
Press the function keys at the top of the keyboard for shortcuts [F1] to [F12].
Common shortcuts include:
Press [F1] to access Help
Press [F2] to search for a patient
Press [Esc] to close the current screen aborting changing
Press [F12] to save changes and exit.
Moving between objects on the screen
To move between tabs, buttons, lists, tick boxes or panes:
Use the shortcut keys (see above) if you see a shortcut label.
Press the [Tab] key to move from one object on the screen to the next
Press [Shift Tab] to move backwards
Move the mouse cursor over the object and click the left mouse button.
To activate buttons, click on them with the left mouse button, or press [Enter] after moving to the button.
To activate controls such as links (underlined text), click on the link with the left mouse button.
To activate other controls such as items in a list box, highlight the item then press [Enter] or double click on the item.
Toolbar Buttons
Note: The toolbar buttons across the top of the screen are global (not related to a currently selected patient). You will be prompted to select the patient as required. (On many screens, you will be able to open other functions related to the currently selected patient directly).
Keyboard shortcuts are shown with their corresponding menu items.
You can select menu items with the mouse or the listed short cuts.
Many objects display a menu when you click on them with the right mouse button. These menus relate specifically to the item under the cursor (they are context-sensitive).