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Finding Patients

When you need to select patients (when you would like to make an appointment, edit their details or open their clinical notes) the patient search screen will appear. 

The Toolbar

To find a patient by name 

  • Type part of their first or last name (or both, e.g.  “jo smi”,  in any order) into the search box and press [Enter].

To find patients by their NHI or chart number

  • Type their number e.g. “abc1235” into the search box and press [Enter].

To find patients by their Date Of Birth

  • Type their date of birth into the search box  (e.g. “14/5/1959”) and press [Enter].

To find patients by their address

  1. Select Address from the options list next to the search box
  2. Type their street name into the search box and press [Enter].

To find patients by their phone or email

  1. Select Contact/Phone Number from the options list next to the search box
  2. Type their phone number or email address into the search box and press [Enter].

To find patients by their ACC Number

  1. Select ACC Number from the options list next to the search box
  2. Type their ACC number into the search box and press [Enter].

Search Results

  • Visitors have a yellow background.

  • Patients not seen in over 1 year are highlighted in the last seen date column. Blue dates are over a year old. Red dates are over 3 years old.

  • Patients who are eligible for capitation but have no enrollment date have their enrollment date field highlighted in orange.

  • Transferred, Deceased and inactive patients will be shown with a grey background.

Include Inactive

Click on [Include inactive] to include Transferred, Deceased and Inactive Patients in your results

Row Filter

  • You can filter your results by typing in the row filter (blue) line below the corresponding column names.

Reorder and resize columns

  • Reorder by clicking on a column header. Click a second time to reverse the order.
  • Click and drag column headers to change their position.
  • Click between columns and drag the cursor left or right to change the column width. 

Select the Patient

  • Highlight the desired patient row and press [Enter].
