Go to the menu at the top of the screen, and click Tools >> Downloads >>Clinical Performance Indicators.
Check the destination folder is set (default can be set in the system settings)
Click Export at the bottom of the screen to export the report.
Change these only on advice from your PHO.
Export selected components (Tick to include in export):
– Service Utilisation (Services invoiced in the date range)
– Clinical performance (as specified below )
– Screening tasks completed
– Smears (Code CX or ZCX)
– Mammogram (Code MAM or ZMAM)
– CVD risk assessments (CVD Risk Screen, Predict or Best Practice within 5 years)
– Immunisations given
Set Date Range as required for service and clinical extracts, and immunisations.
Patient Status can be Currently Capitated or other chart types.
Registered with indicates the patients preferred practitioner.
Service Groups include services in the selected funding categories. These are set for each service type in the accounts set up.
The PHO Performance Programme has been designed by primary care representatives, DHBs and the Ministry of Health to improve the health of enrolled populations and reduce inequalities in health outcomes through supporting clinical governance and rewarding quality improvement within PHOs. Improvements in performance against a range of nationally consistent indicators will result in incentive payments to PHOs.
The PHO Performance Programme aims to improve the health of enrolled populations and reduce disparities in health outcomes through supporting clinical governance and continuous quality improvement processes within PHOs.
No Patient identifiers are sent as part of this extract. The Consultation and Service details provided in the practice data set will be sourced from invoice data only. The Clinical Performance Indicator and Immunisation information will be sourced from patient information.
The practice data set will result in the following information being provided to the PHO:
– Practice Details
– Practitioner Details
– Patient Details (e.g. ethnic group)
– Patient Register Details
– Consultation Details
– Service Details
– Immunisation Details
– Clinical Performance Indicator Details (see table below)
– Screening Data (e.g. cervical smears, mammograms, CVD risk)
– Capitation within date range or selected chart type
– Date of birth present
– Preferred practitioner in selected list
– Dates on which an invoice was raised of GMS/PCP type
– Invoices raised of GMS/PCP type
– Vaccines given in date range
– Cervical smears
– Action text: Smear Completed
– Mammogram
– Action Text: Mammogram Completed
– CVD Risk
– CVD Measurement in last 5 years
Description | Meaning (Consistent with Performance Monitoring Framework; Data Format Standard; Clinical Performance Indicators) | Source within myPractice | |
1 | Smoking status ever recorded | Patient with system codes indicating they have ever had a smoking status recorded. | Clinical Profile Smoking Status |
2 | Diabetes patients who have had an annual review in the last year | Patient who has had an annual diabetes review carried out during the last 12 months.
Note: Any annual diabetes review service that is provided within 12 months of the last day of the Clinical data Extract period (and is recorded in the PMS) must be included in the extract. This query needs to measure every service that has been provided in the last 12 months, not just the last quarter. |
Invoice Items Service Type with Funding Type “DIAP” |
3 | A Diabetes code ever recorded against the patient | Patient with system codes indicating they have ever had Diabetes. | Clinical Profile Current Problem |
4 | A Stroke code ever recorded against the patient | Patients with a system code indicating that the patient has ever had a stroke. | Clinical Profile Current Problem or Past History |
5 | A Myocardial Infarction code ever recorded against the patient | Patients with a system code indicating that the patient has ever had Myocardial Infarction | Clinical Profile Current Problem or Past History |
6 | A Heart Failure code ever recorded against the patient | Patients with a system code indicating that the patient has ever had Heart Failure | Clinical Profile Current Problem or Past History |
7 | A CVD risk recorded in the last 5 years against the patient | Patients with a CVD risk recorded in the last 5 years
Note: Any CVD Risk Assessment service that is provided within 5 years of the last day of the Clinical data Extract period (and is recorded in the PMS) must be included in the extract. This query needs to measure every service that has been provided in the last 5 years, not just the last quarter. |
Measurement CVD Risk is present Entered by calculating CVD risk with Cardiovascular Risk Form, Predict or Best Practice web forms |
8 | Diabetes patients recorded as having a microalbuminuria test in the last 18 months | Patients where the microalbuminuria test has been recorded as being ordered in the last 18 months | Diabetic as in Query 3 Laboratory result for microalbuminuria is present |
9 | Diabetes patients who have had a positive microalbuminuria test and are on ACE inhibitor or A2 receptor agonist | Patients where the microalbuminuria test was positive and are on an ACE inhibitor or A2 receptor agonist in the last 18 months Note: A positive microalbuminuria test means; for men, albumen:cretine ration >2.5 and for women, albumen:cretine ration >3.5 or for either gender a negative microalbumin stick test |
Diabetic as in Query 3 Laboratory results for ACR Regular Medications with drug group ACE or ACE2 inhibitor |
10 | Diabetes patients with HbA1C test result of 8% or less in the last year | Patients with an HbA1C test result of 8% or less in the 12 months up to and including the last day of the reporting period. | Diabetic as in Query 3 Laboratory results for HbA1c |
11 | Patient has a CVD Risk >= 15% | Patients with a CVD risk of 15% or more. The CVD risk has been recorded in the 5 years up to and including the end of the reporting period | Measurement CVD Risk Value >= 15 or H Entered by calculating CVD risk with Cardiovascular Risk Form, Predict or Best Practice web forms |
12 | Patient has a CVD Risk >= 15% and has been prescribed statins in last 12 months | Patients with a CVD risk of 15% or more who have been prescribed statins, where the statins have been prescribed in the twelve months up to and including the end of the reporting period | Measurement CVD Risk Value >= 15 or H Entered by calculating CVD risk with Cardiovascular Risk Form, Predict or Best Practice web forms |
13 | Ischaemic CVD event ever recorded | Patients who have had an Ischaemic CVD event or diagnosis of an Ischaemic CVD event. | Clinical Profile |