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Use this form to record risk factors and measurements over time to assess the patient’s 5 year Cardio Vascular risk and Atrial Fibrillation management.

Cardiovascular Risk 

Based on updated equations and guidelines released in 2018

Atrial Fibrillation

Chadvasc Score calculator 

CHA2DS2-VASc score is available when the Atrial Fibrillation is ticked 

Guideline advice is presented when the score is calculated

(Based on the Metro-Auckland Clinical Governance Forum and their AF/Stroke Prevention working group)

Prompt for overdue Chadvasc Score

Download and import the Suggestion “Atrial fibrillation without a recent Chad score

On opening a patient’s clinical record, you will see a suggestion (May I Suggest…) for patients that have 

Atrial Fibrillation (as a current problem)

At least one Chad score is not found or 

No Chad score recorded (in measurements) within the last 15 months and the patient is not already on anticoagulants (in their regular medications)

Tasks /Recalls

When the Chad score is completed review the recommended action in the drop down list. 
  • Change this to contraindicated, declined or not required as necessary 
  • Close the CVD form
  • A Task [CHA2D] for follow up Chad score when anticoagulation not indicated at the moment (repeat in 12 months)
  • A task is created for Atrial fibrillation anticoagulation management [AFX]
    • You can complete this task when you start anticoagulants
  • Declined / contraindicated actions result in a task to reconsider this choice in 12 months

If calculated score if low, task is created for followup in 15 months and a note is added to the actions list

If anticoagulation is recommended , a task is created and a note is added to the actions list

The Action can be overwritten if there is a contraindication or declined by the patient. A task is created for the future (12 months for reconsideration) and a note is added to the actions list
