To add a list of recipients that you intend to copy this letter to.
Search for contacts in the CC orange box, press [Enter]
The name and address of these recipients will be added to the bottom of the letter
Click on these links to copy parts of this patient’s record into your letter
When sending emails and Healthlink documents you can attach saved pictures and attachments.
After writing your letter you can select the mode to send this to the recipient
If you right-click on the letter in the actions list you can choose to edit or copy this letter
This re-opens the letter for further changes
The produces a copy of the letter. Change the recipient to another contact or the patient
Annotate the letter with the CC if desired
Select the send/print mode
Press [Create]
The copy of the letter will be added to the Actions List
Letters can also be copied from previous consultations (Right-click on the letter when viewed in Old Notes).