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Creating repeat prescriptions from the front desk

Taking a request

(Receptionist or nurse)

  1. Click on the Repeat Prescriptions button in the toolbar
  2. Find the patient
  3. The patient’s Regular drugs will appear in the left list.
  4. Check if there are reasons to decline the request / invite the patient to make an appointment e.g.
    • Check that the patient has been seen within the nominated interval (default is 6 months)
    • Check the date that the drug was last prescribed
    • Check if there are outstanding tasks
    • Check for outstanding accounts
  5. Tick the requested drugs
  6. Select the prescriber (To be signed by)
  7. Click on Create task for prescriber

Completing the prescription


Confirm that you are happy to issue a repeat prescription
Click on All Requested or double click on the drugs that you are happy to prescribe
Complete the Repeat Prescription Task
Press [Finish] or [Finish and Bill] 

Scripts will be printed or emailed to the chemist 
